Gardening :: 텃밭 상추 키우기


April 3rd

I bought daffodils at Publix. They hadn't bloomed yet when I got them. They started to bloom at the night.

You can also see the dead ivy. I heard Ivy is easy to grow but I killed them. I bought two pots at Publix too. I moved sansebieria and the dead ivy into the new pots. Too many daffodils were in the small pot together. 

We went to Lowe's, bought two planters, flowers and soil. Daffodils roots were tangled so much that we had to pull them so hard. We even heard some tearing noises. I felt bad for them. The new flowers are red verbena and aquilegia columbine. They hadn't bloomed yet either. 

April 4th

At lunchtime we planted those lettuce seeds. He said he would be amazed if they sprout. 

This sansebieria has a teeny tiny sprout in the leaf. This didn't die even when i didn't care about it at all. It was still growing up in a very small pot. 

Skylar thought its leafs are heart-shaped.

It was going to be a storm and thunder so we moved them inside. 

April 5th

They are almost bloomed. It is faster that I thought it would be. They are very pretty :)

Aquilegia is a wild flower. In korean this is called 하늘매발톱꽃 which means hawk's claw. I see why they named this like that. 

I broke egg shells into small pieces. I heard if you fertilize for lettuce seeds too much, they wont grow up. I don't know.. hopefully it will work.

Somehow there were many ants around these pots. eww.

April 6th

It has been a couple of days since I put some lettuce seeds in a wet plate. They started sprouting!!! 

This Aquilegia bluebird is blooming. I can't wait for them to fully bloom! 

April 7th

One of Aquilegia flowers is fully blooming! but its stem is broken. I might have to cut it...

Finally!!!!!! I found one lettuce sprout in the soil!!!!! I am so proud of myself!!!! '^' 

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